Research Group Leader
Integrating signaling inputs into dynamic gene regulation during mouse limb bud development.
ORCID number 0000-0002-9953-3637

Zuniga A., Haramis A.G., McMahon A.P. and Zeller R. (1999). Signal relay by BMP antagonism controls the SHH/FGF-4 feedback loop in vertebrate limb buds. Nature 401, 598-602.
Zuniga A, Michos O., Spitz F., Haramis A.P.G., Panman L., Vintersten K., Klasen C., Mansfield W., Kuc S., Duboule D., Dono R. and Zeller R. (2004). Mouse limb deformity mutations disrupt a global control region within the large regulatory landscape required for Gremlin expression. Genes Dev. 18, 1553-1564.
Probst S., Kraemer C., Demougin P., Sheth R., Martin G.R., Shiratori H., Hamada H., Iber D., Zeller R. and Zuniga A. (2011) SHH propagates distal limb bud development by enhancing CYP26b1-mediated retinoic acid clearance via AER-FGF signalling. Development 138, 1913-1923.
Zuniga, A. Zeller, R. and Probst, S. (2012). The molecular basis of human congenital limb malformations. WIRE Dev. Biol. 1, 803-822
Zuniga A., Laurent F., Lopez-Rios J., Klasen C. Matt, N. and Zeller R. (2012). Conserved cis-regulatory regions in a large genomic landscape control SHH and BMP-regulated Gremlin1 expression in mouse limb buds. BMC Dev. Biol. 12, 23 doi:10.1186